kem tahfiz.. there're butterflies inside my tummy!!~
salam 'alaykum....
Today just a normal day.. tak keluar ke mane2 pun.. just staying home...
do what is routine...
However... in the afternoon, my mum just received a call from ustaz Rahim saying that me and my bro,
Mu'az will have to stay in the school
coz there will be a programme just
for tahfiz students: 'Kem Tahfiz'...
This is just what I'm waiting for...
Anyway, the kem will start on 18 Dec
till 28 Dec... That'll make 11 days total!!~
Can't wait... can't wait!!~
But please notice that I'm not sOO ready...
Hurm...we'll have to wear school's uniform and bring
all things that'll be needed when staying there.. in asrama...
the first thing is my list is Al-Qur'an...
Mestilah... dah namenye pun kem tahfiz... ye dok?
And all those blah blah etc...
While in the kem... we, form 3 will also have to attend classes
for PMR preparations... nak habiskan silibus...
huhu... payah jugak...
takpelah... kerana segalanye liLLAHi ta'ala... insha ALLAH...
kalau segalanya kerana ALLAH, mestilah ALLAH
akan mempermudahkan lagi segala urusan kita, kan?
ok, that's all pals! wassalam wa ilalliqa'!!~
kenangan sebelum musolla dirobohkan... sayang antunna semue!!~
[ I miss you guyz!! anyway, bear with me... all the messy stuffs at the sidebar...
I didn't have much time to organize them... I'm now waiting for my skin request to be done... can't wait... (=^-^=) ]
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